Keurverslagen Pinkstershow, keurmeester mevr. S. Walsh.

Hebbes van de Ganzeweide
 – L. Faasse.
11 months, nice medium size. Good length of body. Good balance in head. Very nice expression. Excellent topline and croup. Good depth of chest. Lovely textured coat. Lovely, springy, smooth movement. 1 Uitmuntend, CAC, Beste teef, BOB.
Hilde van de Ganzeweide –  F.A. Keizer.
10 months. Nice outline. Very nice head and expression. Good topline and slope to croup. Good depth of chest. Nice angulation. Needs a little more showtraining but she is excellent. 2 Uitmuntend, RCAC.
Guinevere Aquila van Oscarli
 – R. Keizer.
8 ½ months. Very nice size. Good balance to head. Nice expression. Good topline and croup. Nice depth of chest. Nice angulation for her age. Good bone and feet. 2 Veel Belovend.
Empress Franka van het Meerhuisje – A. Karsten-Brouwer.
6 months. Very nice balance overall. Good length of head. Eyes are a little round. Good topline and croup. Good depth of chest. Nice bones and feet. Nice positive movement. 1 Veel Belovend, Beste pup.
Diamidarus Iris
 – F. Callemeyn.
13 months. Good balance to outline. Skull is a little broad, but good length of muzzle. Good depth of chest. Nice topline and croup. Nice bones and feet. Tail carriage is a little high, but very excitable. 1 Uitmuntend, CAC, Beste teef, Beste jeugdhond, BOB.
Vrouw Baltika van ’t Cluyn’s Erf
 – J.H.M. Engelen. 
12 months, very correct outline. Lovely balance to head. Good length of body. Good depth of chest. Correct topline. Moderate angulation. Correct bones. Good coat texture. 1 Uitmuntend, CAC, Beste teef, Beste jeugdhond, BOB.