4 maart 2018 Groningen

Keurmeester Mw. M.K. Selbach

Gilbert v. Rianne’s Erf
 – eig. J. Akkerman & C. Schaap
9 Month. Nice size and balance. Good mouth. Nice expression. Sufficient angulations. Good topline. Needs some more training in the ring to show himself of. Needs to show his movement better. Good coat and colour. 2 Very Good.
Nico Des Soldats De Krist Ale – eig. J. Huiting
11 Month. Good mouth. Sufficient angulations. Still narrow in frond. Slightly long in loin. Needs to show his movements better. Moves narrow in front and behind. Good coat and colour. 3 Very Good.
George v. Rianne’s Erf  – eig. G. Hagen-Kraak
9 Month. Good mouth . Nice expression. Sufficient neck. Good topline. Slightly straight in upperarm. Moves well. Good coat and colour. Still needs some time. 1 Very Good.
Empress Franka v.h. Meerhuisje
 – eig. A. Karsten-Brouwer
15 Months. Very nice size and type. Good mouth and expression. Sufficient angulations. Needs to fill in body and forebrest. Well placed tail. Moves well. Good coat and colour. 1 Uitmuntend, CAC, Beste Jeugdhond, Beste teef,BOB