5 april 2010 Paasshow

Keurmeester de heer M. Redliccy (PL)

Open Klasse
Rex v.d. Boermastreek
 – P. Aikema
A bit heavy in body in proportion to bone, good profile, good eyes, a bit
too pronounced cheeks, low set and short neck. Good top line, good
tail set, soft pasterns, a bit straight upper arm, good hindquarters, good coat. ZG  
Kampioens Klasse
Cybe v.d.‘s-Gravenschans – J. Akkerman
Moderate bone not the size, good profile but head could be more masculine,
good topline and tail, sound fr. and hindquarters, good top and
bottom-line, moves well. 1U CAC – CACIB – Beste Reu
Open Klasse

Nora – J. Jonkers-de Vries & H. Jonkers
Strong and well devel. female, good profile, dark eye, good ear, strong
neck and well devel. front, good top line and tail, moves well when the
handler doesn’t disturb. 1U  
Jeugd Klasse
Becky v. Rianne’s Erf – L. Verbeek-Timmerman
Well balanced feminine, good profile and expression, good shoulder and
upper arm, well developed chest, good front and hindquarters, a bit
unsettled in top line when moves good tail, good coat, good temperament.
1U CAC – Beste Teef – BOB
Mijke v.d.‘s-Gravenschans – Mw. C.C.D. Oudt-Brons
Well balanced of corr. proportions, good ears, good profile, quit broad in
cheeks, good neck and upper arms, good top line, sound hindquarters, a bit
short croupe, good coat, good temperament. 2U Res.CAC
Minke v.h. Pullenland – H. Glas-Snijder
Good bone, a bit week and long muzzle, strong stop and cheeks, short
ardauched top line, sloping croupe, and no hindquarters drive, no sound
enough in hind action. G  
Isca v. Stavast – L. Nuus & T.V.L. Bartnig
Rather fine and square, good expression, dark eyes, good profile, notest
strong pasterns, short sloping croupe, and front action a bit restricted,
good coat, good temperament. 1ZG  
Small Yard’s Amazing Abigail – J. Jonkers-de Vries & H. Jonkers
Strong bitch of correct proportions, good profile, good ears, good front
and well devel. chest, arched loins and restricted hind action, a bit
soft pasterns and feet, high tail set, good coat and temperament. 2ZG
Open Klasse

Neef Nizzanice v.h. Eigen Land – R.A. Cordes & J.A. v.d. Berg. Absent
Open Klasse
Nichtje Nadjenna v.h. Eigen Land
 – M. de Greef. Absent