Keurmeester Dhr. W. Güllix

Dries Florian de Goude Hollander
 – F.G.K. Lamain & C.S. van Dijk
7 Month. Normal evolution for this age. Head correct expression and details. Strong neck. Harmonic topline. Middle strong ribcage and bones. Very good angulation. Fast and free in movement. Friendly temperament. 1 Veelbelovend, Beste Puppy.
Thor v.d. ‘s- Gravenschans
 – B. Zwaans
17 Month old. Normal in evolution for age. Typical head. Middle strong neck. Good strong back. Middle strong bones with very good angulations. Temperament full in movement. Friendly temperament. 1 Uitmuntend, JeugdCAC, RCAC.
Carlo de Goude Hollander
 – M. Offermans
Correct in type. Typical head with correct detail. Nice topline. Correct croupe. Middle strong ribcage and deep chest. Middle strong bones with good angulations. Harmonic movement. Friendly temperament. Needs ringtraining. 1 Uitmuntend, CAC, CACIB, BOB.
Ikkemai Jaapje v.d. Ganzeweide
 – H.J.M. Ilmer en C.P.R. Ilmer-Maurer
12 Month. Full in evolution. Typical head with correct details. For this age normal fast in the back. Brest full in development. Middle strong bones with good angulations. Harmonic in movement. Friendly temperament. 1 Zeer Goed.
Toseland Legis Canis – M. Bosnic
10 month. Full in evolution. Head with nice expression and correct details. Good fast in the back. Brest full in development. Middle strong bones with very good angulations In the movement a little loose in front. Friendly temperament. 2 Zeer Goed
Holland Indra v. Le Dobry
 – W.G.C. Kling
9 Years old. Typical head. Dark brown clear eyes. Middle light pigment underlips. Strong neck. Topline is not zo strong. Full in ribcage. Strong bones with good angulations. Harmonic in movement.
1 Uitmuntend, CAC, CACIB.